One Saturday, I decided to bring Summer out for a jog. Mama Wowa came along too ( my mom ). We decided to go to Luneta park.
It has been a while since I last visited that place. I had some of the best memories
of my childhood in Luneta.I remember my Lolo Daddy who used to bring us there with
his Yellow Volkswagen beetle. Back when we were kids Luneta for us was a wonderland! :-) unlimited happiness!
I remember the canteen inside the playground, those attending the canteen were deaf and mute, and I would watch my lolo order for a chicken sandwich, flapping his arms like a chicken and putting his palms together, which he means "sandwich" a chicken sandwich! hahaha. It was really cool!! He's a 'suki' na, in that canteen, and they absolutely love him becuase he's such a charmer. I just don't remember how he orders our Hotdog sandwich. :-)
That was one of my fondest memory of my lolo... ahhhhh, Im starting to miss our old man.
So there, anyway as I was saying, we were excited to go there.
But of course that was ages ago so I didn't really expect much from the place now.
We went to see the Children's playground, I was surprised to see that the playground was
newly painted, the dinosaur statues were soo bright and colorful, and surprisingly, it was clean.
So I let Summer play and run around . We played on the swing, see-saw, monkey bars and of course tried all the slides!! it was sooo much fun!
I remember the tall colorful slide, right in front of the entrance. That used to soo intimidating for me before.
I would see it as a giant slide and I always get nervous every time I get on one of those tall slides, but once I get off, i would think I was the awesomest for conquering my fear! :P
But now whe i tried it, my butt wont event fit in those slides!! LMAO! how depressing. :-)
On the good side, Summer seemed to have a great time, though she got a few bruises on her knee from running and and got herself dirty, we still had a blast!
Im so happy that she enjoys these things.
Ill make sure to bring Summer back here. :-)

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